Only 52 days left and lots to do! The most important being learning as much Kyrgyz and Russian as I can. In order for one to accomplish this, its vital to master the cyrillic alphabet. And seriously, it' no joke. Shit's tuff! It's a mixture of symbols and letters and i'm not even sure what else, a challenge for sure.
On a different note, I found this awesome picture of a Kyrgyz man wearing a traditional hat made of felt. I find these hats fabulous and you can bet that some of you will be getting these as Christmas gifts! And I FULLY expect you to wear them. Everywhere.
And ladies don't think I forgot about you...
Seriously wonderful aren't they!?! Hopefully I'm being culturally sensitive but I really really want one of these! I'm not sure if these are only for elders in the community but you can bet i'll be finding that out ASAP! Hopefully the next time you see one of these toppers, it'll be with a picture of me!